Project Governance v.0.4.2

Dear Sneklets,
You now vote on upcoming decisions about the direction of the BabySNEK Project
a DAO like fashion using the Cardano blockchain!

Submit a proposal discussion to our Discord or vote on current proposals in our ecosystem.

Do keep in mind that decisions made on the blockchain are immutable!
Stay safe and keep on keepin’ on.


Gamification Direction

Welcome intrepid Sneklings,

This is a proposal to beta test the ADA Governance features (DAO functionality) with a limited audience.

Expires at 6:30PM CET 7th of March 2024

Vote strength is defined by the amount of BabySNEK you hold.
Keep in mind that this data is committed to the blockchain.
Participation is completely optional!


What aspect of the on-site gamification should we focus on?

  •  Evolution / Collection Mechanics
  • Character / Item / Level design
  • Game Logic / Ruleset / Iterations

Voting ended: March 7, 2024 4:30 pm UTC

Pick a Path[L]

This is a first “proposal” to test the ADA Governance features (DAO functionality).

Test Question:

What should we focus on?

– Innovation
– Aesthetics
– Research

Opt-In only.

Voting ended: February 26, 2024 5:30 pm UTC

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