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Layer 64

The BabySNEK Store

Rarity: Epic

Open Auctions

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Meet BabySNEK Lockables!
These high-quality plush collectibles connect to the crypto world on the Cardano Blockchain, offering tiered art NFTs, exclusive project access, gamification bonuses, and more by locking tokens!


  • High-Quality Plush: Made from soft and durable materials, perfect for cuddling and collecting.
  • Stylish Design: Features cool pixelated sunglasses for a trendy look.
  • NFT Integration: Connects to the crypto world through NFTs on the Cardano Blockchain.
  • Token Locking: Lock your tokens in the plushie to receive tiered art NFTs.
  • Exclusive Perks: Enjoy access to future projects, gamification bonuses, giveaways, whitelists, and more.
Lock Field

Wallet Connect

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Connect to the Cardano Blockchain and BabySNEK via your favorite web3 extension. Please do your due dilligence before you connect!

Connecting via Wallet will also create an account on

Hatched BabySNEK
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